Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Tied Up.

Hello there dear readers of my oh-so-awesome blog :)

I apologies for not being able to update my blog for quite a while now. The reason would be that I have been tied up with packing and cleaning. To be honest I am EXHAUSTED.
The thing with moving is that your able to go through all your belongings and you realise just how much stuff you really have. Its almost impossible to believe the amount of things I had to throw or give away. I have no idea about you guys out there, but I like to keep a box full of little memories. 

I was able to go through it and lets just say I strolled down memory lane (:

I sat with my legs crossed on my naked bed and placed the small black box on top of my lap and marvelled at what was inside. My first box of contact lenses, My little keychain which looked like a small alien with buttons as eyes, My farewell cards written by my old classmates back in Malaysia, all these things in that small box. The things that might not mean anything to you, but means the world to me.

You know the feeling you get when you go through your things and pictures and you get small flashbacks? Some feelings are sad, some happy? I had a lot of that kind of feelings today. There was a moment where I was truly happy with my life here in Dubai, and the next  moment sad because I miss my home in Malaysia. Funny isn't it how emotions change its mind ?

Well were moving tomorrow across the street to the next building. I am finally going to have my own room, with a WINDOW! :D For those who know me, know that my room now isn't equipped with a window. Yes, that's right, 3 years living in a room with no window.

I'm off  to bed now since I am forced to wake up at 8.30a.m :/

Yet another ramble by yours truly.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Diary Entry #4

As you all know this is a student blog.
We had weekend tasks to write 4 diary entries based on the topic
"Your country has been invaded by a foreign country

27th May 2010
Today started with a massive explosion that allowed my dust covered skin to jump. I am not sure if I am able to endure this unbearable agony any longer. It's seriously killing me. Just by being in this dark god-forsaken room, I'm disgusted with my surroundings. Its been almost 2 days since I last had food to consume. Its been almost a month since I cleaned, wiped or even washed myself properly. I am hungry, filthy and miserable. When oh when will this bloody war END! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!? Whoever finds this piece of paper and reads it would probably understand how very lucky they are to be able to even have time to read it. I wish things were back to normal. I wish things were like they used to be, with clear blue skies and birds chirping a melody in the morning, waking up to the smell of freshly toasted bread, I wish things were NORMAL. Oh Diary, how I wish. I'd eat just about anything. I'm starving. I left the room today Diary, I tried to find something to eat. As soon as I opened the door, a gush of humid air slapped me in the face and suffocated me. It was like walking into an oven. The buildings were swallowed by flames and bodies were just lying there. I tried not to look at their faces. I couldn't help it. I doubt I can ever remove that image from my memory. They were burned and decomposed and just gone. Its so depressing. Well Diary that's just another day being ALIVE. I'll hopefully write again soon :/

Friday, 10 December 2010

Diary Entry #3

As you all know this is a student blog.
We had weekend tasks to write 4 diary entries based on the topic
"Your country has been invaded by a foreign country

26th May 2010
Good morning Diary. Its 4am and I am having difficulty sleeping, It feels as though my lungs are refusing to help me breathe. I think it's from all the ash and dust in the air. I'm living in what I would call a "box". Its literally a small room with no windows and only one small hole in the left corner. How I could actually allow myself to stay in such a small and unhygienic room is still lingering in my mind. Oh yes of course, we're in the middle of a bloody war! How could I forget. Oh diary, I wonder how mum and dad are doing. How is everyone doing? There are five people in this room with me and we barely talk to each other. Everyone is in their own world I guess. Everyone is trying their best not to face the truth. What's the truth? The truth is Diary, everyone is dead. The ones we loved. The ones who loved us. EVERYONE. Its sad, no one can deny that, but that's the truth. I sit here with a small candle and a pen and paper writing with tears crawling down my face because I know what the truth is. There's really no point living in denial and trying to make sense of the situation and hoping for a better day. To be honest, I'm just waiting for death to come and take me away from this hell. For me to die and reunite with my family and loved ones. Oh Diary, how I wish it would be that simple. Till next time then. x

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Diary Entry #2

As you all know this is a student blog.
We had weekend tasks to write 4 diary entries based on the topic
"Your country has been invaded by a foreign country"

25th May 2010
Well hello there Diary. I am still alive and it's 19 days now. I saw a little girl today and she was lying on the concrete ground with ashes and rubble scattered all over her body. She had dark brown hair and her eyes were closed. She was gone. She hasn't even experienced anything and she was gone. We had to move to a different location this morning because the thundering sound was crawling closer to us. That means that the bombs were close. That means we would've gotten blown up if we stayed. I can't remember how many bodies I've seen since this all began. It's like I'm living in a nightmare. It's constantly dark, humid and filthy in these places we move to. Trust me when I say you'd rather die then breathe this air I'm currently breathing. It's like dirty socks and garlic blended together and smothered all over the place. To be honest It's revolting! I hope whoever finds this pathetic looking book with scribbles on it known as words can understand and realise what people were going through when the war happened. When I say "people" I mean me. I'll be writing more soon. Hopefully. 

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Diary Entry #1

As you all know this is a student blog.
We had weekend tasks to write 4 diary entries based on the topic
"Your country has been invaded by a foreign country"

24th May 2010
It's my birthday today and I just turned 17 years old. I'm fortunate enough to be alive on this day. Birthdays are usually supposed to be full of pleasant thoughts and happiness and all sorts of things like that right? You couldn't be more wrong. I am filthy, broken, damaged and threatened by death. My country has been at war now for 18 days. I am actually counting and praying that the next day wouldn't be my last.
I have no clue where my parents are, no clue whose alive and whose not. I'm simply alone. Breathing but without reason except hope. I never imagined to be celebrating my birthday with tears sliding into the cracks on my lips and giving me the burning sensation that helps reminds me of the fact that I'm still alive and that this is all REAL. 
Loud thunders exploding around me, followed by horrific cries that I assure would make you wish you were deaf. 18 days of pure violence. What I simply cannot comprehend is why hasn't it stopped? What happens when it does? Will it ever be the same as it was before? Will I ever see my family and friends again? I wish you could answer these questions for me Diary. Your the only escape I have.