Saturday, 12 February 2011

Past Paper Question (:

First Language English
Paper 3
May/June 2005

A song or a piece of music comes on the radio. Immediately the tune reminds you of a particularly happy or sad occasion. Describe in detail the scene you remember (real or imaginary) and your feelings at the time.

An abyss of happiness overcame my emotions. My breathing heart no longer felt shattered. It was a year ago and we were sitting on the cold, soft and welcoming sand. All we had was the presence of one another, the breeze invited my hair to dance along to this song. I sat with my knees folded against my chest, trying to protect myself from the harsh yet gratifying cold morning. The sky was painted with an orgy of pink, purple and blue. It was as though God decided to transform the black canvas into a breathtaking masterpiece. My trembling lips couldn't help but be curved into a permanent grin. 

The warmth of his soft hand tangled in mine created a sensation I would never allow myself to forget. The butterflies in my stomach were set free to fly everywhere and my skin felt prickly and hot. He stared at me with his deep dark brown eyes and the newborn sun was giving him a magical glow. My vacant mind was oblivious to my surroundings, my world at that moment consisted of nothing but him. My eyes were wide open and I forced myself not to blink as I didn't want this moment to be wasted with my eyelids blanketing my eyes. He was the only thing I could allow my mind to ponder on. 

My heart racing as fast as the waves are crashing on the rocks, creating a rain of crystals. As the newborn sun hits the crystals the rainbows fill up the spaces between them. Our surrounding couldn't be more perfect. If perfection was an image, this would be it. The simple action of brushing a lock of hair from my soft, clean, vacant face sends chills down my spine. A good kind of chill. A chill that leaves a haunting warmth. A chill that's responsible for my two pink cheeks and racing heartbeat. 

The only word that could be used to describe this faded memory would be,contentment. Tears would start climbing its way out and slide themselves down my hill-like cheeks. The tears of joy. I wonder how I managed to get to a stage where I am truly happy. How perfection decided to choose me. What did I do right? I remember those thoughts swimming in mind when I was sitting on that harsh, cold, comfortable sand, with his warmth pouring onto me. As the song continues to play, my mind continues to revisit that same memory, filling me with nothing less then pleasure. 

The Latest Teenage Epidemic.

Lets start with the definition of the word epidemic shall we? Epidemic means : A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease; many people are infected at the same time. In this case the disease would be the blackberry. I am now currently living in Dubai and allow me to explain why I call the blackberry a disease. Most of the teenagers here have one. I have one. To be honest, I don't think I have ever had feelings for any of my digital devices such as this. My blackberry means everything to me and I think I could speak for the other teenagers out there who has one in their possession. In Dubai, everywhere you turn, theres a blackberry in sight. Whether the owner is a teenager, an adult or even a child.

The blackberry is mostly known for its BBM, thats short for BlackBerry Messenger. That would be one of the main reason it would be so popular among us teenagers. When I first saw the blackberry and how most of my friends had one I told myself that I had to get it. Obviously my parents weren't very supportive and they told me how expensive it is and how much money it would take to maintain it and to pay the bills etc. In my mind I thought about how some of the teenagers who aren't millionaires have one and yet maintain it. It was eating me out how even little kids have them hanging around their necks in malls.

I'm  sure most of you think otherwise. Most of you who don't own a blackberry or are against teens having one would obviously disagree with it and think it's mainly used for businessmen and other high ranked people in the world. I am not that closed minded, fortunately. The blackberry is just like any other smartphone and should be used by all sorts of people from various backgrounds. What allows it to be labelled 'the businessman smartphone'. Etisalat (the UAE service provider) has even introduced a package for teens like me. Instead of having to pay AED185, we now only pay AED49. This package is showing everyone that they have accepted the fact that teenagers are using the blackberry and we only pay for what we're using. This package doesn't include e-mails or the web browser. It includes BBM, facebook, twitter and all the other apps that can be installed.

Let's just say that after a long protest about how my parents refuse to purchase the blackberry for me, they have agreed to my terms. I would pay the bills on my own and take full responsibility. To be honest, I don't regret it at all.

My blackberry has around 10 different covers of different colors and patterns and I'm sure you teens our there with blackberries know what I mean :) The blackberry has turned itself into my unofficial boyfriend. But that doesn't mean that I am as addicted to it as some teens out there are. I am able to put it down when I seriously have to. Most teens out there will understand what I'm talking about.

another random ramble. x

Friday, 11 February 2011


There really isn't much to be said anymore. The president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak has stepped down after days of having protesters fight for their right.
Now all we have to do is wait and see what the outcome of his action would do.
would it stop the protests? Whats going to happen next? etc.

To be honest, I seriously don't want my darling blog to turn itself into some sort of news channel. So I shall end this topic here. I'll be posting up some past paper answers and essays and I'll also start blogging about the rambles I promised earlier :)

Have an awesome day ramble readers x