Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Profoundly Different .

How does your public image differ from your private self?

Everyone wants needs to be able to tell people who they really are, or how they really feel towards something right? Wrong. I'm sure you have no problem with showing people your real self. You have nothing to hide, you don't care much about people who judge you and you feel awesome about yourself. Some people aren't like that. 

For those of you who know me, you may say I'm always happy, smiling, lovable, strong and etc. But am I really? or is that how I want you to see me as? Not many people know my private self. Not even a handful. I always hide behind a mask which I plaster on when I'm out in public. I want people to perceive me as the strong one who never feels down. I like being the person people come to for advice and trust. 

My private self on the other hand is very different. 

When I'm alone or around people I trust, that's when I show my true self. The normal, imperfect, weak but fun self. 
I'm not trying to gain your pity here, I'm just trying to say that not everyone is what they appear to be. Not everyone is truly happy, and that's when the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" comes in handy . 
I'm lucky enough to have great friends and an awesome family. I'm lucky enough to have people to show my private side to. 
One things for sure though, one thing that my private and public self both share, and that is confidence.

I am confident about the way I look.
I am confident about how I feel. 
I am confident about my beliefs.
I am confident about my trust. 
I am confident about my life. 

I believe that everyone has a private side where they don't show just to anyone. I imagine this to be normal. So for those who can actually relate to this, don't be upset about it, because trust me, your not the only one :)

That's yet another ramble by yours truly x

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